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Are You What You Eat?

Enter into our familiar domestic space and become transformed by memories, stories, and art engaging with human connections with food.

Eating and tasting are everywhere in our culture: metaphors of flavours garnish our conversations: melodies are sweet; memories are bitter; we are left with a bad taste in our mouths.

This project, in partnership with Ignite Imaginations, showcases artwork from a diverse range of communities, from local Sheffielders to newcomers from across the world. Artworks reflect artists’ associations with food – whether memories of favourite foods from back home, another country, or another stage of life.

Inspired by Meredith Warren’s research on food’s transformative effects in literature, this project invites visitors to consider how food and taste affect us through sensory experience, memories, nostalgia, and community.

The exhibit invites visitors from all walks of life to reflect on how food helps us remember and reflect on our own place in culture and in time.

Opening times Tuesday–Saturday: 10am–5pm (closed Mondays) Sunday: 11am–4pm