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Chocolate For Strangers

Chocolate bar

Have you ever wondered where chocolate comes from? And did you know that when it first came to Europe it was as a form of bitter chocolate drink, brought by Indigenous peoples as part of their own ‘discovery’ of new lands?

In this hands-on interactive installation, you are invited to stand in the shoes of a Maya noble, preparing hot chocolate in Europe for the first time, and experience what it was like to be an Indigenous American negotiating for their people’s future.

Through the steps of making this famous drink for the first time in the Spanish Court, visitors will experience the choices and challenges of Indigenous politicians setting foot in a strange new world and forced to play the game of Spanish politics to save their society.

Visitors of all ages will enjoy learning about how chocolate was made and the part it played at the birth of empire.

Opening times Tuesday–Saturday: 10am–5pm (closed Mondays) Sunday: 11am–4pm