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Joined Up Heritage Sheffield: Ancient Norton Manor to Twentieth Century Graves Park

Tue 24 September, 12:00pm 60 minutes

This is one of a series of talks arranged by Joined Up Heritage Sheffield.

Friends of Graves Park present a special screening of our project film “Finding Lost Norton Park: Digging Deeper for All: Graves Park’s heritage uncovered”. Be transported back into the amazing history of Graves Park. Discover traces of ancient landscapes, a medieval deer park, farming, Norton Hall’s gentrified setting, ancient woodland, quarries and more.

The Friends of Graves Park were awarded a £142,770 grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund to run this project. Working with South Yorkshire Biodiversity Research Group (SYBRG), the project
focussed on Norton Park (now named Graves Park), digging deeper into the history, heritage, ecology, archaeology and local memories of this historic park.

We are very grateful to National Lottery Players, who made this project possible.

Followed by an update on the exciting project to restore the Rose Garden Café, currently run by the Rose Garden Café Partnership: Friends of Graves Park, Save the Rose Garden Café Campaign and Sheffield City Council.

This talk will be given by Friends of Graves Park

Image credit:Graves Park North Entrance” by Warofdreams, CC BY-SA 3.0