An animation created by Diva Creative Ltd using research by Professor Fiona Boissonade, Dr Ali Khurram, Professor Dan Lambert and Professor Graham Stafford, School of Clinical Dentistry. It looks at advanced technologies in dental research such as artificial intelligence, spatial transcriptomics and nanopore sequencing. It explains how cutting edge technologies work and how we are using them to advance the frontiers of research linked to cancer, gum disease and chronic pain.
- Professor Fiona Boissonade, School of Clinical Dentistry
- Dr Ali Khurram, School of Clinical Dentistry
- Professor Dan Lambert, School of Clinical Dentistry
- Professor Graham Stafford, School of Clinical Dentistry
- Diva Creative, Animation
With Support From
- Cancer Research UK
- Neopath Research Group
- Eli Lilly and Company, Lilly UK
- Logical Sciences Research Council, UK Research and Innovation